You might or might not have heard the recent merger between Virgin America and Alaska, if you haven’t heard or want to know more I definitely recommend reading Ben’s post on it.
Anyway, the new changes to Milage plan have been released, and they are really positive. But there is one thing that I’m extremely happy about.
Increased earning on partner airlines!
As I fly Qantas very often, I naturally credit to Qantas Frequent Flyer and occasionally AAdvanatge. However, as you can see the additional bonus is now 100% more than previous on business class and 200% more on first class. I never pay for first, so that won’t matter to me but when traveling for work or with family in business, this could be a great opportunity to earn more points than what I would crediting to Qantas.
Not only do you earn more with Alaska but the redemption rates are so much less. I’ve written about using Alaska miles for Qantas redemptions in the past, Click here
Would I credit all of my Qantas flights to Alaska? No. I would start crediting all my international and long-haul flights to them and keep creating my domestic flights to Qantas. This way I’ll still be able to keep Platinum with Qantas and have good amounts of points with them but also have good amounts of points with Alaskan.