Doha Hamad Airport Now Has A Theme Song…

Qatar Airways is known for doing some weird and wonderful things but this one took it to another level.


Qatar’s airport has a new theme song, and the country’s national carrier has just released a beautifully-shot video of it.

The anthem, called The Beginning, is the result of a collaboration between local singer-songwriter Dana Alfardan and the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra (QPO).

Here’s the video:

Bottom Line

The song is very well put together and actually enjoyable to listen to but, is a theme song really needed for an airport? Qatar never fails to turn heads.

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About the author

Zac has been obsessed with travel since the age of 2. Now flying 200,000+ miles per year and blogging about luxury travel. Points From The Pacific is a blog that posts about the latest airline news, insights, reviews and guides to help travellers use their points to travel in first and business class.