The Coronavirus has no doubt been on your mind at least a few times over the past few weeks. It’s pretty evident by the media attention that this is an extremely fast-spreading and deadly virus which can affect most people. While the symptoms range depending on the age of the patient, the scary part is most young and healthy people will instead not show any signs creating chaos around the world. As you would expect, all travel around the world has been heavily reduced, travel restrictions and bans are being placed and on the top of the scale, countries are fully closing their borders. Yesterday, New Zealand announced self-isolation for all travellers.
While New Zealand won’t be closing their borders, they will be imposing some of the strictest rules out of all the countries that have been affected. These new rules won’t only apply to foreigners visiting the country but also New Zealand citizens themselves.

New Zealand Announces Self-Isolation For All Travellers
Starting Monday (16/03/2020), any person travelling into New Zealand will be subject to self-isolation for a total of 14 days.
- This new rule will come into effect from Midnight on Sunday
- The only countries that will be exempt from this rule are citizens and passengers travelling from neighbouring small Pacific islands who have also closed their borders
- The self-isolation is being introduced to try to reduce the number of cases, the country now has over 6 confirmed patients
- Until June 30th, all cruise ships will also be banned from entering the country with the exception of cargo
- Media outlets are reporting that there will be another announcement this week with greater information
Per New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern:
“Alongside Israel and a small number of Pacific islands who have effectively closed their borders, this decision will mean New Zealand will have the widest ranging and toughest border restrictions of any country in the world.”
“If you don’t need to travel overseas, then don’t. Enjoy your own backyard for a time. Stop handshakes, hugs and hongi.”
“We are a tough, resilient people. We have been here before. But our journey will depend on how we work together. We are taking every measure we need as a Government.
“Look out for your neighbour, look out for your family, look out for your friends. Look after your older ones, we are all in this together.”

While it wasn’t one of the quickest decisions, it’s one of the more impactful. Many other countries have introduced similar restrictions but the difference in this one is who’s included, citizens of New Zealand are also being included in the list.
This will also mean that flights between Australia and New Zealand could be lowered once again as the demand continues to lessen.
As of this afternoon, the country has stated that they are currently sitting at 8 confirmed cases.
Has the travel restriction had any impact on your travels so far?
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