Hyatt Regency Perth Now A Category 3 Property

Today Hyatt made some category changes to many of their properties, this happens every year and the properties either go up a category or go down.

The only Australian Hyatt property to have a change is the Hyatt Regency in Perth. Which has now become a category 3 property making is cheaper to redeem points for. The hotel was previously category 4 on the redemption chart.

This is the current Hyatt redemption chart below:

a table with numbers and a few points per night

Redemption chart

Also below is the Points + Cash chart.

a table with numbers and text

Points + Cash option

And lastly the upgrade chart:

a screenshot of a computer

Upgrade chart


I haven’t yet had the chance to review the hotel but will plan on doing so in the near feature as I am planned to be in Perth in a few weeks.


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Zac has been obsessed with travel since the age of 2. Now flying 200,000+ miles per year and blogging about luxury travel. Points From The Pacific is a blog that posts about the latest airline news, insights, reviews and guides to help travellers use their points to travel in first and business class.